Modeling and simulation of pharmaco-mechanical fluid-structure interaction for an enhanced treatment of cardiovascular diseases PIs: Prof. Daniel Balzani, Prof. Axel…
Modeling and simulation of pharmaco-mechanical fluid-structure interaction for an enhanced treatment of cardiovascular diseases PIs: Prof. Daniel Balzani, Prof. Axel…
Skeletal Muscle Adaptation: the cornerstone for modelling neuromuscular diseases and predicting muscular deficiencies (Identification, Homogenisation, Verification, and Integration) PIs: Prof.…
A data-driven optimization framework for improving the adaptation of the neuromuscular system in brain pathology PIs: Prof. Dominik Göddeke, Prof.…
Heart hemodynamics modelling using Fluid-Structure-Interaction and statistical shape model PIs: Prof. Leonid Goubergrits, Prof. Titus Kühne Aim: The aim of…
Patient-specific simulations and treatment methods in cardiology: Development of a comprehensive numerical approach to remodeling the left ventricle (KA 1163/49)…
Efficient and robust coupling methods for electro-mechanic models of the human heart PIs: Prof. Christian Wieners, Prof. Axel Loewe Aim:…
Coupled analysis of active biological processes for meniscus tissue regeneration PIs: Prof. Bernd Simeon, Prof. Christina Surulescu, Prof. Andreas Seitz,…
Multi-scale algorithms and simulation for the patient-specific optimization of endovascular interventions in cerebral aneurysms PIs: Prof. Alexander Popp, Prof. Barbara…
SIMulation supported LIVer Assessment for donor organs (SimLivA) – Continuum-biomechanical modeling for staging of ischemia reperfusion injury during liver transplantation…
Multiscale Modelling of Ultrasound Neuromodulation in the Human Brain – From Neuron to Brain PIs: Prof. Marc-André Keip, Prof. Michael…
Multi-scale coupling of vascular hemodynamics for AI-based standardized evaluation of neurological pathologies PIs: Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Sylvia Saalfeld, PD Dr.-Ing.…
In-stent restenosis in coronary arteries – in silico investigations based on patient-specific clinical data and meta modeling PIs: Prof. Stefanie…